Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Greatest Gift-A Job

When most people hear the word “charity” they envision donating some money to the individual or group and the good feeling that they will have from their act of altruism. It is a “feel good” moment. When you are driving and you see a person on the side of the road, holding a sign asking for your loose change, if you decide to dig into your pocket and give the person a quarter, well, you can feel good for helping that poor soul. After all, if everyone passing gave that person a quarter, he would certainly have enough for the day. The problem is that he would have to be there the next day and start all over again. While what you did was certainly an act of charity,, was it the best way to give?

Maimonides (1135-1204) taught that the highest level of charity is to help somebody become self-reliant. Charity is not about giving a handout and making one depend on another, rather, the greatest thing one can do is to either give a person a job or put that person into business. (Of course, the by-product of this new wage earner means that he will now be able to help others in need.) In more recent times, the saying is, “Give the person a fish to eat, he eats for the day. Teach him how to fish, he eats for a lifetime.”

Recently, I read an interesting article which stated that, in order to be self-reliant, we should all have multiple sources of income. The reason being that if the job or business doesn’t work out, one need not end up at square one and have to begin anew. Rather, it would just be a bump in the road.

The problem is that if one has a full-time job, it is not so easy to juggle another profession, or side-gig as it is called today, in addition to one’s familial responsibilities. And more than that, if one’s side-gig interferes with one’s main job, by taking away from one’s productivity, one is cheating the boss, which is not proper. So what does one do to ensure that all parties are treated properly and one doesn’t burn out?

The first thing to figure out is how much more do you need? What would you want to do with this extra income? How much time do you have to work on this project? What would you like to do? Now, after all that, one can either scour the want-ads online, via ZipRecruiter, or the like, or one can decide to work at home, in one’s “spare time.”

The work-at-home option allows one to be with one’s family for dinner, help with homework, etc. It also allows one the time needed to get other stuff done without guilt. There are a lot of side-gigs one can do at home.

An easy way to earn some money is to take surveys online. While surveys will not make you rich and they take time, one can earn some extra money while potentially influencing companies about their product(s). One becomes the test audience for products that are presently on the market and those that are about to hit the market. It can also influence politics in this country. The fun of the surveys is that one can take them anywhere. It can be while commuting to work (as long as you’re not driving:)) waiting for breakfast, drinking coffee, etc.

Survey Junkie is a great place to start. It costs nothing to join up and pays you for your opinion! If you finish all of their surveys, they will present other companies that will also pay for your opinion. Just be careful and make sure that you can either have the money sent to your paypal account of the gift cards offered are stores at which you shop.

Have fun!